台州开利泵业有限公司,成立于1994年,坐落于有水泵之乡美誉的大溪镇,是一家专业于水泵设计,开发,生产,销售的公司,业务遍及全球50余个国家。旗下拥有杭州雄利泵业有限公司,上海连仁泵业有限公司等几家控股子公司。目前产品品种现已达一千多种,其产品性价合理,质量可靠,广泛应用于市政、水利、建筑、消防、电力、环保等领域。公司拥有强大的技术队伍,现代化的生产设备,装备精良的流水线和精密的检测设备,引进了先进的CAD三维设计软件和CFD流体力学计算等系统,全部推行ERP信息化管理,为用户全力提供最优质的服务和最可靠的品质。 公司先后获得“浙江省重合同守信用企业”,“浙江省地产名品”及“AAA级中国质量信用企业”等,并于2011年于北京拍摄广告在CCTV-1,CCTV-4,CCTV-7电视台展播。 开利泵业有限公司致力于“科技只为品质,品质服务客户“这方针,为实现百年开利远大目标,一直致力于高效型,高品质型产品的研发和制造,为民族企业的振兴与发展不懈努力! Taizhou kaili pumps co., ltd, established in 1994, is a company locating in pump hometown Daxi that combines design, exploiture, sales and service of pumps, who owns Hangzhou xiongli pumps co., ltd, Shanghai lianren pumps co., ltd etc several subsidiary copmanies and its sales extends more than 50 countires of the world.. At present, our company has more than one thousand type of pumps used in cities, irrigation, construction, fire fighting, and environmental protection etc. Our company has a strong technical team, modernized production line and testing equipment, and also introduced international standard CAD, CFD and ERP systems, which lays the foundation for customer serive and pump quality. Kaili pumps co., ltd won many honors and has advertisements on CCTV-1,CCTV-4,CCTV-7 Taizhou kaili pumps co., ltd’ policy is: “Technology for quality, quality for customer” and will repay your support with the advance technology and high quality products. |